What are people saying on Twitter about Windows 8?

The following report shows what is occuring on Twitter from October 5 to November 4.
Data was aquired from tweets containing the terms 'Windows 8' and 'Win 8', and was limited to 1,000 tweets a day.
From October 5 to November 4, there have been 1,042,604 total mentions on Twitter, avergaing 33,632 tweets per day, peaking the day of the launch.
There was a 18% positive and 8% negative sentiment throughout all tweets.

Top Hashtags
Top Keywords
All tweets

Hover over each bar to view totals and labels. Buttons to the right toggle between pre and post launch (October 26), as well as total.
Total sample size: 33,406 tweets.
Conversation: Retweets and replys. Over 13K people were mentioned.
Polarizing comments: positive words include love, luv ,great, :), great, gr8, awesome, terrific. Negative words include suck, sucks, hate, shit, awful, terrible and :(
Swearing: strong swearing includes the words fuck, shit, bastard and bitch. Light swwearing contains ass, hell and damn.